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  • Registrant : 那珂川市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/10/27
  • Published : 2023/10/27
  • Changed :2023/10/27
  • Total View : 347 persons
2024/2/11 / 那珂川市 / School / Seminar

Special Historical Lecture "Kuroda 24 Ki: Kuroda Yoshin and His Descendants

The lecturer will be Mr. Hideo Takayama, curator of the Fukuoka City Museum, who will talk about the lives of Kuroda Yoshin, his descendants, and the Kuroda family vassals associated with Nakagawa City in relation to the newly designated cultural assets in Nakagawa City.

The lecturer will be Mr. Hideo Takayama, curator of the Fukuoka City Museum, who will talk about the lives of Kuroda Yoshin, his descendants, and the Kuroda family vassals associated with Nakagawa City in relation to the newly designated cultural assets in Nakagawa City.

Address 那珂川市
Date 2024/2/11
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 12:00 minute(s)
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